Log book of the enola gay

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FA Dave Henderson 18 July 2002 (abseil/shunt inspection)ĭave Henderson (abseil/shunt inspection) 18/Jul/2002. A groove above leads to a step right at the top and belays on the ledge above. Finish pretty much direct up the arete above to gain the slopey ledge above and the end of difficulties. There is also a reasonable RP 5 to the right). Blast boldly up this direct, using holds on both sides until a good hold is gained after a 15 feet (Crucial gear: Poor Rock 5 down and left - you've already climbed passed it but it's easier to place from the good hold. On Thursday, the navigator of the Enola Gay, Theodore J. Place gear in the crack on the right then move left to arete. A log of the Enola Gay, the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, failed to sell on Friday in an auction at Christie's. Traverse right for a few feet and up to gain a small ledge on the right. 80ft Belay beneath and to the left (facing in) of the the arete. To the right of this is an obvious fin/arete, taken by the following route:Īpproach: is easiest by abbing straight in (either blindfolded or to the side of the route to preserve the onsight!).Ī very fine line which is serious. Scramble down the promontory above the zawn, from where a large black wall is seen. Descend to the promontory adjacent Red Stack Rock (the small island a few a few hundred yards West of Touch the Devil).

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